HiveSpark Pricing Plans

Discover the perfect plan to accelerate your startup journey with HiveSpark.


Ideal for Startup founders exploring the platform and testing its basic capabilities

Standard Plan

Ideal for startup founders requiring a comprehensive solution for ongoing tasks

$39 / Month

Ideal for startup founders and teams needing extensive support as they scale

$89 / Month
basic knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How does the AI-driven content generation work?
Answer: HiveSpark's AI algorithms analyze your inputs and generate customized content or research insights tailored to your selected startup task.
Q2: What technology does HiveSpark use?
Answer: HiveSpark leverages advanced GPT models, state-of-the-art auto-regressive language models with billions of parameters, along with our proprietary AI technology.
Q3: How Secure is my data?
Answer: We prioritize data security and employ industry-standard encryption methods to safeguard your data and privacy.
Q4: Will the prices change?
Answer: The current prices are introductory and may increase over time. However, once you subscribe to a plan, your price will remain unchanged as long as you maintain your subscription. Answer: The current prices are introductory and may increase over time. However, once you subscribe to a plan, your price will remain unchanged as long as you maintain your subscription.
Q5: Is there any Pay-as-you-go plan?
Answer: At the moment, we do not offer a pay-as-you-go plan. Our subscription options include monthly and annual plans.
Q6: If I subscribe to a monthly plan, will I be charged automatically every month?
Answer: Yes, our monthly subscription plans automatically renew and charge your account every month until you choose to cancel your subscription.
Q7: Can I collaborate with my team on HiveSpark?
Answer: Team collaboration is not currently available, but we are actively working on this feature, which will be introduced in the near future.
Q8: Do you have customer support?
Answer: We provide email support for our Freemium plan users and both email and live chat support for our Pro and Premium plan users.
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